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国际学生暑期安全提醒Safety Reminder of Summer Vacation
2024-09-11 10:24  

国际学生暑期安全提醒Safety Reminder of Summer Vacation






Dear All TUT International Students

As the summer holiday is approaching, we would like to remind international students of the following summer safety precautions, please read them carefully and pass them on to each other, so as to have a pleasant and safe holiday!


遵守法律法规 Comply with laws and rules

1. 遵守中国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度,尊重中国的社会公德和风俗习惯。

International Students studying at TUT should abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China and respect the social customs of the Chinese people. 

2. 严禁卖淫、嫖娼、吸毒、贩毒等违法犯罪活动。

Prostitution, whoring, drug taking and trafficking and other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.


保护人身与财产安全 Personal and Property Safety

1. 假期期间如果有前往外省市出行计划,请及时联系辅导员,请告知具体行程安排,旅途过程中注意个人安全。

If you plan to travel to other provinces and cities during the holiday, please contact the counselor in time to inform the specific schedule, and pay attention to personal safety during the journey.

2. 发生任何事故应立即与学院相关负责老师取得联系;

Contact with your related teachers when any accident occurs.

3. 妥善保管个人财物,不要将个人护照、学生证、银行卡等重要物件转借他人;

Take good care of your personal belongings and do not lend your passport, student card, bank card or other important items to others;


注意生活安全 Pay attention to life safety

1.   严格遵守作息制度,自觉维护公寓卫生;

All the students must strictly abide by the work and rest system, and consciously maintain the hygiene of the flat

2.   离开宿舍时务必关掉电源、锁好门窗,妥善保管个人财物。

When you leave the dormitory, be sure to turn off the power, lock the doors and windows, and take good care of your personal belongings.

3.   禁止使用违章电器及大功率电器,预防火灾等安全事故。

Prohibit the use of unauthorised electrical appliances and high-power electrical appliances to prevent fire and other safety accidents.

4.   严格遵守所在国家的交通规则,不得酒后驾车、超速行驶或疲劳驾驶。出行时尽量使用正规交通工具,确保自身安全。

Strictly observe the traffic rules of your country and do not drink and drive, speed or drive tired.When travelling, try to use regular means of transport to ensure your own safety.


公安:110  火警:119  急救电话:120


Emergency contacts: In the event of an emergency, please contact the relevant teacher when it is safe to do so. If you need urgent assistance, please call one of the following numbers:

Public Security: 110   Fire: 119    

First Aid: 120 


Students requested to strictly abide by the relevant management regulations, and carry out various activities while prioritizing personal safety. We sincerely wish you all a happy and safe holiday!



International Students Office 

Tianjin University of Technology


July 3, 2024



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