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“跨文化桥梁” 听障学生短期来华交流项目 "Cultural Bridges" Short-term Exchange Program for Deaf Students
2024-05-13 14:39  



Program Introduction

Technical College for the Deaf, Tianjin University of Technology is the first higher education institute in China dedicated to engineering education for the deaf. Leveraging our long-standing strengths in special education, we have specifically designed the "Cultural Bridges" short-term exchange program for American deaf students. This program, through academic learning and cultural exchanges, aims to deepen the mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and American deaf students. Participants will have the opportunity to deeply experience the diversity of Chinese culture, enrich their educational experiences, and broaden their international perspectives.

2. 项目申请

l 招生对象:美国听障学生。

l 申请流程:学生需通过电子邮箱 tjut_globalprogram@163.com 提交申请,附上个人简历及一份个人陈述,阐述参与此项目的动机及期望收获。


l Applicant: Deaf students from the USA.

l Application Process: Students should submit their applications via email to tjut_globalprogram@163.com. Applications should include a resume and a personal statement detailing their motivation for participating in the program and the expected benefits.



l 工作坊内容:安排中美手语翻译和教育专家共同开展工作坊,对中美手语差异进行深入探讨和教学。

l 交流演练:设立模拟交流场景,学生需使用对方国家手语进行表达和交流,增强实际语言运用能力。


l 课程设计:提供专门为听障学生设计的学术课程,结合中美手语双语教学,确保无障碍信息传递。

l 实战应用: 课堂上结合实际案例分析,增加学生的参与度和实用技能的培养。


l 文化行程:精心策划访问路线,包括天津、北京的文化地标,提供手语导览服务。


l 项目实施:学生在专业指导下,使用手语拍摄短片,记录他们的学习体验和文化见闻。

l 展示与分享:在项目结束时,举办一个短片展示会,评选出最佳作品,作品之后在学校社交平台广泛传播。


1.Bilingual Sign Language Workshop:

l Workshop Content: Joint workshops led by Chinese and American sign language interpreters and educational experts to discuss and teach the differences between Chinese and American Sign Language.

l Exchange Practice: Simulated exchange scenarios where students use the sign language of the host country to communicate, enhancing practical language skills.

2.Bilingual Teaching and Interactive Courses:

l Course Design: Academic courses specifically designed for deaf students, combining Chinese and American sign language to ensure barrier-free information transfer.

l Practical Application: Classroom sessions include case studies to increase student engagement and the development of practical skills.

3.Cultural Exploration and Sign Language Guided Tours:

l Cultural Itinerary: Carefully planned visits to cultural landmarks in Tianjin and Beijing with sign language guided tours.

4.Creative Media and Sign Language Short Film Production:

l Project Implementation: Under professional guidance, students will use sign language to create short films documenting their learning experiences and cultural observations.

l Display and Sharing: At the end of the program, a short film showcase will be held to select the best works. These will then be widely shared on the school's social media platforms.





1-2 weeks

Specific Dates: To be scheduled according to applicants' availability and the academic calendar, such as during summer or winter breaks.



Student Number

Above 5 students




Participants are responsible for their own flight and insurance costs for travel to and from China. Expenses incurred during activities within China, including accommodations, will be supported by special scholarships offered by our university.


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